Thursday 5 January 2012

New Beginings and Leftovers

Since the start of a new year is supposed to be about starting over and creating a new you and new (hopefully better) habits, or so I'm told anyway. I decided to kick off the new year with a spot of spring cleaning (yes i'm fully aware that it's still winter) and sorting out a load of boxes that havn't seen the light of day for a couple of years. And the success of this is (drum roll if you please) ... not very successful. All I managed to do is dust of the boxes or in my case vacuum (they were that dusty), create some more on my over crowed bookcase by shoving some books into the boxes and chuck a few things out.

At least the good intentions were there and it wasn't a complete time waster.

Regarding leftovers, am I the only person who finds that you still have a load of christmas sweets left well into the new year? How are we supposed to stick to our new year resolutions of getting fit and eating healthy, if we're still eating left over christmas cake and twiglets. Especially since it's such a waste throwing away perfectly good food. I guess we'll just have to work out more to compensate for finishing of the leftovers. Although at least you can make soup from leftover veg, just make sure that you don't use too much green veg or it will look like something out of Shreks swamp.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had a good christmas and that all the hangovers are slowly abating :)
Well the last month has just been hectic, loads of things to do and so little time to do them in. But that was last year, so a fresh start and hopefully better habits for 2012 including posting more. Well I'm hoping anyway :p