Tuesday 28 February 2012

The films of 2012

How come there are a lot of good films coming out this year, a lot of films that are going to make me skint as I spend my money on cinema tickets. Oh well cést la vie. The following is a list (which I’ll try to keep short), in no particular order, of the 2012 films that I want to see (wallet allowing :P )

·         Underworld Awakening
·         Ghost rider: Spirit of Vengeance
·         John Carter
·         The Hunger Games (Which I’m currently reading and they’re good books)
·         The Woman In Black
·         Men In Black 3
·         Resident Evil: Resurrection
·         The Amazing Spider Man (Which looks so much better than the Toby Maguire ones)
·         The Avengers
·         Dark Knight Rises
·         Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
·         The Hobbit ( I’ve been waiting a ridiculous long time for this film to come out)  
·         Brave
·         Mirror Mirror
·         Snow White and the Huntsman
·         Wrath of the Titans
·         The Raven

That’s all I can think of from the top of my head, I guess I failed at my attempt to keep it short. If I think of any more I'll add them.