Thursday 17 May 2012

Time slipping away

Sorry I haven't posted much lately over the last few months, time seemed to fly by for some reason. I'm currently trying to get over the realisation that it's now mid May when it seems like yeaterday it was April. What has happened to all that time? I don't think i'll ever know :)

But during some my blogging abscence I have made some personal revelations, one of which is that I spend far too much of my free time sitting on my ass being lazy when i could be doing something productive, like i don't know maybe making a start on my portfolio which i've been putting off for some time now. Which leads me the major revelation the reason behind me putting off starting a portfolio, is that i've seemed to have lost my confidence in my own work (there are only a few pieces i like and/or can actually stand), and the reason for this lost confidence is that i've had too many people, namely tutors, telling me i shouldn't use this medium or i should conform my style so it mirrors there own or fits into a nice neat box they have created (but cleverly done so that at the time i think its useful constructive criticism), and i feel like i've failed if i don't succeed. What happened to personal style and freedom of speech?

So as i gain my confidence back i will be posting work of any kind as regulary as i can to assault your senses : P    so any constructive criticism will be welcome.

I hope i haven't bored you all to tears.

On a more posistive note summer seems to have finally arrived! i've even caught a glimpse of blue sky over the last few days. On the down side it means that hayfever season is now here, hayfever suffers you have my sympathy, thank god for anti-histamines I say. Well time for me to go hit the drawing board.   

Tuesday 28 February 2012

The films of 2012

How come there are a lot of good films coming out this year, a lot of films that are going to make me skint as I spend my money on cinema tickets. Oh well cést la vie. The following is a list (which I’ll try to keep short), in no particular order, of the 2012 films that I want to see (wallet allowing :P )

·         Underworld Awakening
·         Ghost rider: Spirit of Vengeance
·         John Carter
·         The Hunger Games (Which I’m currently reading and they’re good books)
·         The Woman In Black
·         Men In Black 3
·         Resident Evil: Resurrection
·         The Amazing Spider Man (Which looks so much better than the Toby Maguire ones)
·         The Avengers
·         Dark Knight Rises
·         Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
·         The Hobbit ( I’ve been waiting a ridiculous long time for this film to come out)  
·         Brave
·         Mirror Mirror
·         Snow White and the Huntsman
·         Wrath of the Titans
·         The Raven

That’s all I can think of from the top of my head, I guess I failed at my attempt to keep it short. If I think of any more I'll add them.

Thursday 5 January 2012

New Beginings and Leftovers

Since the start of a new year is supposed to be about starting over and creating a new you and new (hopefully better) habits, or so I'm told anyway. I decided to kick off the new year with a spot of spring cleaning (yes i'm fully aware that it's still winter) and sorting out a load of boxes that havn't seen the light of day for a couple of years. And the success of this is (drum roll if you please) ... not very successful. All I managed to do is dust of the boxes or in my case vacuum (they were that dusty), create some more on my over crowed bookcase by shoving some books into the boxes and chuck a few things out.

At least the good intentions were there and it wasn't a complete time waster.

Regarding leftovers, am I the only person who finds that you still have a load of christmas sweets left well into the new year? How are we supposed to stick to our new year resolutions of getting fit and eating healthy, if we're still eating left over christmas cake and twiglets. Especially since it's such a waste throwing away perfectly good food. I guess we'll just have to work out more to compensate for finishing of the leftovers. Although at least you can make soup from leftover veg, just make sure that you don't use too much green veg or it will look like something out of Shreks swamp.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had a good christmas and that all the hangovers are slowly abating :)
Well the last month has just been hectic, loads of things to do and so little time to do them in. But that was last year, so a fresh start and hopefully better habits for 2012 including posting more. Well I'm hoping anyway :p